Closet Organizing Tips: A Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe
by Juliana Meidl from Serenity at Home
May 13, 2024
Ah, springtime—the perfect season for a fresh start, both in nature and in our closets! If you’re ready to dive into the joyful chaos of organizing your wardrobe, you’re in the right place. We’ve gathered some closet organizing tips and tricks to help you along the way.


Spring is the ideal time to tackle your closet. With temperatures warming up and fashion trends shifting, it’s a natural moment to reassess your clothing collection. We have two season-change specific closet organizing tips that help create space:
1. Reflect on what you actually wore this past Fall and Winter. Never wore it? Purge it. Wore it and didn’t feel your best in it? Purge it. Can you already tell that piece won’t be in-style next Fall/Winter? Purge it. We have more tips on purging below!
2. Store your cold weather clothing somewhere outside of your closet. This is especially helpful if you have a closet on the smaller side to begin with. Whether you use under-the-bed storage, space-saving vacuum seal bags, or just standard plastic bins, it’s helpful to actually remove the clothes you won’t be wearing for the next 5-6 months so you have space to see the clothes you’re wearing in this current season.
The Purge: Out with the Old
Now, let’s get down to business. The cornerstone of closet organization? Purging. The best way to purge is to start by pulling everything out of your closet. Yes, we mean everything. Pull it all out and ask yourself those important questions:
Does it fit?
Is it still in good shape?
Will I realistically wear it again?
If the answer is even a hesitant “no” to any of these, it’s time to bid farewell.
We know it can be tough to let go of items, especially those with sentimental or financial value. But remember, keeping pieces you never wear only clutters your space and mind. Your closet should be a curated collection of pieces that make you feel your best.
The Hanger Rule: A Handy Trick
Here’s a clever closet organizing tip to track your wear frequency: the hanger rule. When you switch your clothes for the season, hang everything up backwards. When you wear something, flip the hanger the opposite way. By the end of the season, you’ll easily spot which items haven’t seen the light of day. If it’s been a year since you last wore something, chances are it can find a new home.
Speaking of hangers, investing in slim hangers is a game-changer. Not only do they look sleek and uniform, but they also save a ton of space. Our favorite hangers can be found on Amazon.
Organize by Style and Color
Once you’ve decluttered and streamlined with slim hangers, it’s time for the fun part: organization! Arrange your items by style first—think sleeveless, short sleeve, and long sleeve for tops. Then, within each category, organize by color for a visually pleasing and efficient setup. Organizing your clothes by style and color streamlines getting dressed during those rushed mornings!
Give Back: Resale or Donate
Lastly, don’t forget about those items that no longer serve you but still have life left in them. Consider taking gently used clothes and accessories to a resale shop if they’re in style, good condition, and seasonally appropriate. Anything that doesn’t fit the bill can find a new home through donation, spreading joy to others in need.
If you’re local to southeast Michigan, one of our favorite donation locations is Grace Centers of Hope which accepts donated suits and professional workwear to help men and women dress for job interviews.
With these closet organizing tips in your spring cleaning arsenal, your closet will be a place of harmony and inspiration. Happy organizing!

Hang most clothing instead of folding it to keep shelving clutter-free.

Bins provide extra storage for specific categories of items and keep shelving clutter-free.
1. Arrange furniture first to create the best layout and flow for a play space.
2. Identify toy containers with labels that have images rather than words.
3. Create a toy rotation system to keep toys fresh and “new”
4. Play a “race game” or “counting game” to make pickup up toys fun.
5. Put away toys at the end of each day as part of your children’s daily routine.